Karate Kids USA – The Little Dragons
“Karate Kids USA” (also known as “The Little Dragons”) is a 1979 family adventure film that centers around two young karate enthusiasts, Zack and Woody, who use their martial arts skills to save a young girl from kidnappers. During their summer vacation, the boys are training with their karate master when they stumble upon a group of criminals planning to kidnap a local girl for ransom. With bravery and quick thinking, Zack and Woody decide to take matters into their own hands and embark on a daring mission to rescue the girl. The film combines light-hearted comedy with action, showcasing the importance of courage, teamwork, and the responsible use of martial arts. Set in a suburban American town, “Karate Kids USA” delivers an entertaining mix of adventure and family-friendly fun, emphasizing the values of friendship, perseverance, and standing up for what’s right.
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